
Note: Papers may appear out of order due to the differences between online and print publication dates.

You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Published papers

  1. Integrating teletraffic theory with neural networks for quality-of-service evaluation in mobile networks

    Published in Applied Soft Computing, 2023-12-29

    Proposes hybrid learning combining the Information Exchange Surrogate Approximation and neural networks for blocking probability evaluation in cellular mobile networks.

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan, J. Wu, E.W.M. Wong, and C.S. Leung, “Integrating teletraffic theory with neural networks for quality-of-service evaluation in mobile networks”, Applied Soft Computing, Dec. 2023 /files/chan2023_asoc.pdf

  2. A Simulation Model and Dashboard for Predicting Covid-19 Bed Requirements

    Published in 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2023-12-13

    Describes a simulation model and web dashboard for estimating hospital bed demand based on generated scenarios.

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan, K. Dreesbeimdiek, A. K. Parlikad, N. Matheson, B. Warne, and D. Franks, “A simulation model and dashboard for predicting Covid-19 bed requirements,” in 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), (San Antonio), pp. 1232–1243, INFORMS, Dec. 2023. /files/chan2023_wsc.pdf

  3. Low-cost digitalisation opportunities in healthcare: a histopathology department case study

    Published in Low-Cost Digital Solutions for Industrial Automation (LoDiSA 2023), 2023-09-25

    Proposes a set of methods to identify digital technology opportunities and prioritise their adoption in an histopathology department, using one in an East of England regional hospital as a case study.

    Recommended citation:
    N. Moretti, A. Mukherjee, Y.-C. Chan, G. Yilmaz, J. Merino, M. Sasidharan, Z. Rosun, C. Carr, D. McFarlane, and A. K. Parlikad, “Low-cost digitalisation opportunities in healthcare: a histopathology department case study,” in Low-Cost Digital Solutions for Industrial Automation (LoDiSA 2023), (Cambridge, UK), pp. 62–68, Sept. 2023. /files/moretti2023_lodisa.pdf

  4. Healthcare process and variable mapping for identifying digitalisation opportunities and building a hospital digital twin

    Published in 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction, 2023-07-10

    Identifies key variables informing opportunities for hospital digitalisation, provides a baseline for DT ideation, provides insights on where digital transformation can inform operational decision-making, and lists challenges towards Hospital DT development.

    Recommended citation:
    A. Mukherjee, N. Moretti, Y.-C. Chan, G. Yilmaz, M. Sasidharan, J. Merino, Z. Rosun, C. Carr, D. McFarlane, and A. K. Parlikad, “Healthcare process and variable mapping for identifying digitalisation opportunities and building a hospital digital twin,” in 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3) and the 40th International CIB W78 Conference, EC3 2023, (Heraklion, Greece), European Council for Computing in Construction, July 2023. /files/mukherjee2023_ec3.pdf

  5. A Century-Long Challenge in Teletraffic Theory: Blocking Probability Evaluation for Overflow Loss Systems With Mutual Overflow

    Published in IEEE Access, 2023-06-07

    Summarises the development of the Information Exchange Surrogate Approximation framework and contextualises it within the larger, century-long effort towards accurate and computationally efficient evaluation of blocking probability in overflow loss networks, a type of stochastic system, with mutual overflow between server groups.

    Recommended citation:
    E. W. M. Wong and Y.-C. Chan, “A century-long challenge in teletraffic theory: Blocking probability evaluation for overflow loss systems with mutual overflow,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 61274–61288, 2023. /files/wong2023_access.pdf

  6. Modeling the Impact of Vaccination on COVID-19 and Its Delta and Omicron Variants

    Published in Viruses, 2022-07-06

    Proposes a compartmental model with vaccination (SVEIHR) for COVID-19 and explores thresholds for herd immunity. Notably, herd immunity via vaccination alone was shown to be impossible for the Omicron variant of the virus, even with a fully vaccinated population.

    Recommended citation:
    J. Wang, Y.-C. Chan, R. Niu, E. W. M. Wong, and M. A. van Wyk, “Modeling the impact of vaccination on COVID-19 and its Delta and Omicron variants,” Viruses, vol. 14, p. 1482, July 2022. /files/wang2022_viruses.pdf

  7. A stochastic SEIHR model for COVID-19 data fluctuations

    Published in Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021-07-06

    Proposes a stochastic SEIHR model for COVID-19, derives the basic reproduction number of the model, and provides a set of sufficient conditions for stochastic stability of the disease-free equilibrium.

    Recommended citation:
    R. Niu, Y.-C. Chan, E. W. M. Wong, M. A. van Wyk, and G. Chen, “A stochastic SEIHR model for COVID-19 data fluctuations,” Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 106, pp. 1311–1323, July 2021. /files/niu2021_nody.pdf

  8. Evaluating Non-Hierarchical Overflow Loss Systems Using Teletraffic Theory and Neural Networks

    Published in IEEE Communications Letters, 2021-01-18

    Proposes hybrid learning combining the Information Exchange Surrogate Approximation and neural networks for blocking probability evaluation in non-hierarchical overflow loss systems.

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan, E. W. M. Wong, and C. S. Leung, “Evaluating non-hierarchical overflow loss systems using teletraffic theory and neural networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, pp. 1486–1490, May 2021. /files/chan2021_comml.pdf

  9. Power Consumption and GoS Tradeoff in Cellular Mobile Networks With Base Station Sleeping and Related Performance Studies

    Published in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2020-06-05

    Models a network of base stations, with each BS as a processor-sharing queue with vacations (sleeping), and examines the trade-off between blocking probability and energy consumption. Journal version of GLOBECOM 2017 paper.

    Recommended citation:
    J. Wu, E. W. M. Wong, Y.-C. Chan, and M. Zukerman, “Power consumption and GoS tradeoff in cellular mobile networks with base station sleeping and related performance studies,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 4, pp. 1024–1036, Dec. 2020. /files/wu2020_tgcn.pdf

  10. Performance Evaluation of 5G mmWave Networks with Physical-Layer and Capacity-Limited Blocking

    Published in 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2020-05-11

    Proposes a model of a 5G millimetre-wave network and a decomposition-based approximation method for evaluating its blocking probability.

    Recommended citation:
    J. Wu, M. Wang, Y.-C. Chan, E. W. M. Wong, and T. Kim, “Performance evaluation of 5G mmWave networks with physical-layer and capacity-limited blocking,” in 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), IEEE, May 2020. /files/wu2020_hpsr.pdf

  11. Blocking probability evaluation for non-hierarchical overflow loss systems

    Published in IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2017-12-18

    An in-depth introduction to the Information Exchange Surrogate Approximation (IESA) for evaluating blocking probability in non-hierarchical overflow loss networks (NH-OLSs).

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan and E. W. M. Wong, “Blocking probability evaluation for non-hierarchical overflow loss systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, pp. 2022–2036, May 2018. /files/chan2018_tcom.pdf

  12. Energy efficiency-QoS tradeoff in cellular networks with base-station sleeping

    Published in GLOBECOM 2017 – 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2017-12-04

    Models a network of base stations, with each BS as a processor-sharing queue with vacations (sleeping).

    Recommended citation:
    J. Wu, E. W. M. Wong, Y.-C. Chan, and M. Zukerman, “Energy efficiency-QoS tradeoff in cellular networks with base-station sleeping,” in GLOBECOM 2017 – 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE, Dec. 2017. /files/wu2017_globecom.pdf

  13. Overflow models for the admission of intensive care patients

    Published in Health Care Management Science, 2017-07-28

    Proposes a new model for a network of ICUs and an efficient analytical method for evaluating the patient rejection rate. Patients are split into three types based on priority and whether they can be referred to an alternate ICU.

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan, E. W. M. Wong, G. Joynt, P. Lai, and M. Zukerman, “Overflow models for the admission of intensive care patients,” Health Care Management Science, vol. 21, pp. 554–572, Dec. 2018. /files/chan2017_hcms.pdf

  14. Surrogate models for performance evaluation of multi-skill multi-layer overflow loss systems

    Published in Performance Evaluation, 2016-07-07

    Applies the Information Exchange Surrogate Approximation to the blocking probability evaluation of a multi-layer network of processing-sharing queues with both non-hierarchical intra-layer and hierarchical inter-layer overflow of requests.

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan, J. Guo, E. W. M. Wong, and M. Zukerman, “Surrogate models for performance evaluation of multi-skill multi-layer overflow loss systems,” Performance Evaluation, vol. 104, pp. 1–22, Oct. 2016. /files/chan2016_peva.pdf

  15. Performance analysis for overflow loss systems of processor-sharing queues

    Published in IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2015-04-26

    Applies the Information Exchange Surrogate Approximation to the blocking probability evaluation of overflow loss networks of processor-sharing queues.

    Recommended citation:
    Y.-C. Chan, J. Guo, E. W. M. Wong, and M. Zukerman, “Performance analysis for overflow loss systems of processor-sharing queues,” in 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), (Hong Kong), IEEE, Apr. 2015. /files/chan2015_infocom.pdf


  1. Building-Information-Modelling to Discrete-Event-Simulation Integration: Towards the Development of a Space-Process Digital Twin


    Presents a framework for integrating building information modelling (BIM) data and discrete-event simulation for a digital twin of a healthcare process.

    Recommended citation:
    N. Moretti, Y.-C. Chan, M. Nakaoka, A. Mukherjee, J. Merino, and A. K. Parlikad, “Building Information Modelling to Discrete Event Simulation Integration Towards the Development of a Space-Process Digital Twin”. SSRN preprint, May 2024. /files/moretti2024_preprint.pdf

  2. Stability analysis of an epidemic model with two competing variants and cross-infections


    Proposes a two-strain epidemiological model with mutations, e.g., for COVID-19, and studies its equilibria and dynamical behaviour under various parameter settings.

    Recommended citation:
    R. Niu, Y.-C. Chan, S. Liu, E. W. M. Wong, and M. A. van Wyk, “Stability analysis of an epidemic model with two competing variants and cross-infections,” Research Square preprint, Aug. 2023. /files/niu2023_preprint.pdf

  3. Improved Performance and Stability in Overflow Loss Systems via Exchange of Congestion Information


    Trials the use of congestion information exchange as a form of admission control for stabilising the performance of overflow loss systems in which overflow traffic is penalised with longer average service times.

    Recommended citation:
    E. W. M. Wong and Y. C. Chan, “Improved performance and stability in overflow loss systems via exchange of congestion information,” TechRxiv preprint, Jan. 2023. /files/wong2023_preprint.pdf