histopath_bim_des.config.config module

Defines the top-level dataclass for the histopathology simulation model configuration parameters.

class histopath_bim_des.config.config.Config(*, arrivals: ArrivalSchedules, batch_sizes: BatchSizes, global_vars: Globals, resources: ResourcesInfo, runner_times: RunnerTimesConfig, task_durations: TaskDurationsInfo, sim_hours: float, num_reps: int)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

Top-level config dataclass for the histopathology simulation model.

arrivals: ArrivalSchedules
batch_sizes: BatchSizes
global_vars: Globals
resources: ResourcesInfo
runner_times: RunnerTimesConfig
task_durations: TaskDurationsInfo
sim_hours: float
num_reps: int
static from_workbook(wbook: Workbook, sim_hours: float, num_reps: int, runner_speed: float | None = None) Self[source]

Load a config from an Excel workbook.

  • wbook – The configuration file (an Excel workbook).

  • sim_hours – Number of hours to run the simulation.

  • num_reps – Number of times to run the simulation.

  • runner_speed – Runner speed in m/s. If None, default to the value found in the Excel file.


The configuration as a Pydantic dataclass.

Return type:
