histopath_bim_des.config.global_vars module

Global variable configuration module for the histopath simulation model

class histopath_bim_des.config.global_vars.Globals(*, prob_internal: float, prob_urgent_cancer: float, prob_urgent_non_cancer: float, prob_priority_cancer: float, prob_priority_non_cancer: float, prob_prebook: float, prob_invest_easy: float, prob_invest_hard: float, prob_invest_external: float, prob_bms_cutup: float, prob_bms_cutup_urgent: float, prob_large_cutup: float, prob_large_cutup_urgent: float, prob_pool_cutup: float, prob_pool_cutup_urgent: float, prob_mega_blocks: float, prob_decalc_bone: float, prob_decalc_oven: float, prob_microtomy_levels: float, num_blocks_large_surgical: IntDistributionInfo, num_blocks_mega: IntDistributionInfo, num_slides_larges: IntDistributionInfo, num_slides_levels: IntDistributionInfo, num_slides_megas: IntDistributionInfo, num_slides_serials: IntDistributionInfo)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

Stores the global variables of a model.

Field titles should match the corresponding named range in the Excel input file and therefore should not contain any spaces or symbols.

prob_internal: float

Probability that a specimen comes from an internal source, i.e. one that uses the EPIC system.

prob_urgent_cancer: float

Probability that a cancer-pathway specimen has Urgent priority.

prob_urgent_non_cancer: float

Probability that a non-cancer-pathway specimen has Urgent priority.

prob_priority_cancer: float

Probability that a cancer-pathway specimen has Priority priority.

prob_priority_non_cancer: float

Probability that a non-cancer-pathway specimen has Priority priority.

prob_prebook: float

Probability that a specimen requires pre-booking-in investigation.

prob_invest_easy: float

Probability that an internal specimen requires booking-in investigation, and the investigation is classified as β€œeasy”.

prob_invest_hard: float

Probability that an internal specimen requires booking-in investigation, and the investigation is classified as β€œhard”.

prob_invest_external: float

Probability that an external specimen requires booking-in investigation.

prob_bms_cutup: float

Probability that a non-urgent specimen goes to BMS cut-up.

prob_bms_cutup_urgent: float

Probability that an urgent specimen goes to BMS cut-up.

prob_large_cutup: float

Probability that a non-urgent specimen goes to large specimens cut-up.

prob_large_cutup_urgent: float

Probability that an urgent specimen goes to large specimens cut-up.

prob_pool_cutup: float

Probability that a non-urgent specimen goes to Pool cut-up.

prob_pool_cutup_urgent: float

Probability that an urgent specimen goes to Pool cut-up.

prob_mega_blocks: float

Probability that a large specimen cut-up produces mega blocks. With the remaining probability, large surgical blocks are produced instead.

prob_decalc_bone: float

Probability that an specimen requires decalcification at a bone station.

prob_decalc_oven: float

Probability that an specimen requires decalcification in a decalc oven.

prob_microtomy_levels: float

Probability that a small surgical block produces a β€œlevels” microtomy task. With remaining probability, a β€œserials” microtomy task is produced.

num_blocks_large_surgical: IntDistributionInfo

Parameters for the number of large surgical blocks produced in a cut-up that produces such blocks.

num_blocks_mega: IntDistributionInfo

Parameters for the number of mega blocks produced in a cut-up that produces such blocks.

num_slides_larges: IntDistributionInfo

Parameters for the number of slides produced for a large surgical microtomy task.

num_slides_levels: IntDistributionInfo

Parameters for the number of slides produced for a levels microtomy task.

num_slides_megas: IntDistributionInfo

Parameters for the number of slides produced for a megas microtomy task.

num_slides_serials: IntDistributionInfo

Parameters for the number of slides produced for a serials microtomy task.

static from_workbook(wbook: Workbook) Globals[source]

Construct a dataclass instance from an Excel workbook.


wbook – The Excel workbook to parse.


The parsed dataclass instance.