Source code for histopath_bim_des.specimens

"""Defines specimens, blocks, and slides."""
from enum import IntEnum
from abc import ABC
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar

import salabim as sim

    from .model import Model

[docs] class Priority(IntEnum): """Specimen priority. Lower value = higher priority.""" ROUTINE = 0 CANCER = -1 PRIORITY = -2 URGENT = -3
[docs] class Component(sim.Component, ABC): """A salabim component with additional fields.""" prio: Priority """Priority of the component (Urgent, Priority, Cancer, or Routine).""" parent: 'Component | None' """The parent component, if it exists."""
C = TypeVar('C', bound=Component)
[docs] class Specimen(Component): """A tissue specimen. Atrributes: blocks: The list of blocks produced from this specimen, empty if cut-up has not yet started. """
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.env: Model self.env.specimen_data[] = kwargs self.blocks: list[Block] = [] self.env.specimen_data[]['source'] = sim.CumPdf( spec=('Internal', 'External'), cumprobabilities=(self.env.globals.prob_internal, 1), randomstream=self.env.rng, env=self.env ).sample() dist = 'cancer' if kwargs.get('cancer', False) else 'non_cancer' self.prio: Priority = sim.CumPdf( spec=( Priority.URGENT, Priority.PRIORITY, Priority.CANCER if dist == 'cancer' else Priority.ROUTINE ), cumprobabilities=( getattr(self.env.globals, f'prob_urgent_{dist}'), getattr(self.env.globals, f'prob_urgent_{dist}') + getattr(self.env.globals, f'prob_priority_{dist}'), 1 ), randomstream=self.env.rng, env=self.env ).sample() self.env.specimen_data[]['priority'] =
[docs] def process(self): """Insert specimen into the `arrive_reception` in-queue.""" self.enter(self.env.processes['arrive_reception'].in_queue)
[docs] def timestamp(self, name: str): """Save timestamp data to `self.env.specimen_data`.""" self.env.specimen_data[][name] =
[docs] class Block(Component): """A wax block (or cassette to be turned into a wax block). Atrributes: slides: The list of slides produced from this specimen, empty if microtomy has not yet started. data: A dict of additional data associated with the block. """
[docs] def setup(self, parent: Specimen, **kwargs) -> None: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.env: Model self.parent = parent self.prio = self.parent.prio self.slides: list[Slide] = [] = kwargs
[docs] class Slide(Component): """A glass slide. Atrributes: data: A dict of additional data associated with the slide. """
[docs] def setup(self, parent: Block, **kwargs) -> None: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.env: Model self.parent: Block = parent self.prio = self.parent.prio = kwargs
[docs] class Batch(Component, Generic[C]): """A batch of Component objects. Attributes: items: The list of items within the batch. data: A dict of additional data associated with the batch. """
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs) -> None: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.env: Model = kwargs self.items: list[C] = []