Source code for histopath_bim_des.process.core

"""Common definitions for salabim processes."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
import itertools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Generic, Type, TypeVar

import salabim as sim

from ..specimens import Batch, Component, Priority, Specimen

    from ..config.arrivals import ArrivalSchedule
    from ..config.resources import ResourceSchedule
    from ..model import Model

[docs] class ArrivalGenerator(sim.Component): """Specimen arrival generator process. Attributes: iterator (itertools.cycle): Iterator yielding the arrival rate for each hourly period. cls_args (dict[str, typing.Any]): Arguments passed to the :py:class:`~histopath.specimens.Specimen` constructor. """ def __init__( self, *args, schedule: 'ArrivalSchedule', env: 'Model', **kwargs) -> None: """Constructor. Args: args (dict[str, typing.Any]): Positional arguments passed to the `super()` constructor. schedule (ArrivalSchedule): The arrival schedule as a dataclass instance. env (Model): The simulation model this arrival generator is attached to. kwargs (dict[str, typing.Any]): Additional keyword arguments. Arguments not consumed by the `super()` constructor become `self.cls_args`. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, env=env, rates=schedule.rates)
[docs] def setup(self, *, rates: list[float], **kwargs) -> None: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.iterator = itertools.cycle(rates) self.cls_args = kwargs
[docs] def process(self) -> None: """The generator process. Creates a sub-generator for each interval (of length `ARR_RATE_INTERVAL_HOURS`) with the specified rate.""" for rate in self.iterator: if rate > 0: sim.ComponentGenerator( Specimen, generator_name=f'{}_sub', duration=self.env.hours(ARR_RATE_INTERVAL_HOURS), iat=sim.Exponential(rate=rate, randomstream=self.env.rng, env=self.env) ) self.hold(self.env.hours(ARR_RATE_INTERVAL_HOURS))
[docs] class ResourceScheduler(sim.Component): """Resource scheduler class. The resource level is set every `RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INTERVAL_HOURS` hours. The resource level is set to 0 if the day entry in the `ResourceSchedule` is 0. Attributes: resource (salabim.Resource): The resource to control the allocation of. schedule (ResourceSchedule): The resource schedule in dataclass form. env (Model): The simulation model this arrival generator is attached to. """ def __init__(self, *args, resource: sim.Resource, schedule: 'ResourceSchedule', env: 'Model', **kwargs) -> None: """Constructor. Args: args (dict[str, typing.Any]): Positional arguments passed to the `super()` constructor. resource (salabim.Resource) schedule (ResourceSchedule) env (Model) kwargs (dict[str, typing.Any]): Additional keyword arguments passed to the `super()` constructor. """ # super().__init__ consumes args and a bunch of kwargs and passes the rest to setup() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, env=env, resource=resource, schedule=schedule)
[docs] def setup(self, *, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ resource: sim.Resource, schedule: 'ResourceSchedule') -> None: """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.resource = resource self.schedule = schedule
[docs] def process(self) -> None: """Change the resource capacity based on the schedule. Capacities are given in 30-min intervals.""" for day_flag in itertools.cycle(self.schedule.day_flags): if day_flag == 0: self.resource.set_capacity(0) self.hold(self.env.days(1)) else: for allocation in self.schedule.allocation: if allocation != self.resource.capacity() or == 0: self.resource.set_capacity(allocation) self.hold(self.env.hours(RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INTERVAL_HOURS))
[docs] class BaseProcess(sim.Component, ABC): """A process with an in-queue. Typically does work on Components arriving to the in-queue and pushes completed components to another process' in-queue. Attributes: in_queue (salabim.Store): The in-queue of the process from which entities are taken. """ def __init__(self, *args, env: 'Model', **kwargs) -> None: """Constructor.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, env=env)
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" self.in_queue = sim.Store(name=f'{}.in_queue', env=self.env)
[docs] @abstractmethod def process(self) -> None: """Process launched by the simulation upon instantiation."""
[docs] class Process(BaseProcess): """A looped processed that takes one entity from its in-queue at a time and activates it. For example, `Process(name='do_this', Specimen, do_this)` creates `Specimen.do_this = do_this` and calls it for every arriving `Specimen`. Attributes: in_queue (salabim.Store): The in-queue of the process from which entities are taken. in_type (typing.Type): The type of the entities to be processed. fn (typing.Callable): The function to be activated by each new arrival to the process. env (Model): The simulation model this arrival generator is attached to. """ def __init__( self, *args, in_type: Type, fn: Callable[[Component], None], env: 'Model', **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, in_type=in_type, fn=fn, env=env, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup( # pylint:disable=arguments-differ self, in_type: Type, fn: Callable[[Component], None]) -> None: """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" super().setup() self.in_type = in_type # print(self.in_type, setattr(self.in_type,, fn)
[docs] def process(self) -> None: while True: self.from_store(self.in_queue) entity: Component = self.from_store_item() entity.activate(
[docs] def register_process(env: 'Model', in_type: Type, fn: Callable[[Component], None]): """Register a process to a simulation environment.""" env.processes[fn.__name__] = Process( fn.__name__, in_type=in_type, fn=fn, env=env )
C = TypeVar('C', bound=Component)
[docs] class BatchingProcess(BaseProcess, Generic[C]): """Takes `batch_size` entites from `in_queue` and inserts a single instance of `out_type` to `env.processes[out_process].in_queue`. Attributes: batch_size (int | typing.Callable[[], int]): The batch size or its distribution. Can take `salabim` distributions or any other type with ``__call__`` implemented. in_queue (salabim.Store): The in-queue of the process from which entities are taken. out_process (str): The name of the process receiving the batch. env (Model): The simulation model this arrival generator is attached to. """ def __init__(self, *args, batch_size: int | Callable[[], int], out_process: str, env: 'Model', **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, batch_size=batch_size, out_process=out_process, env=env, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup(self, # pylint:disable=arguments-differ batch_size: int | Callable[[], int], out_process: str) -> None: """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" super().setup() self.batch_size = batch_size self.out_process = out_process
[docs] def process(self) -> None: self.env: 'Model' while True: batch_size = self.batch_size() if callable(self.batch_size) else self.batch_size batch = Batch[C](env=self.env) for _ in range(batch_size): # FUTURE: implement fail_duration support for partial batching self.from_store(self.in_queue) item: C = self.from_store_item() item.register(batch.items) batch.enter(self.env.processes[self.out_process].in_queue)
[docs] class CollationProcess(BaseProcess): """Takes entities from `in_queue` and places them into a pool. Once all entities with the same parent are found (based on comparing with a counter), the parent is inserted into `env.processes[out_process].in_queue`. Attributes: counter_name (str): The name of the counter in the parent entity defining the number of child entities. in_queue (salabim.Store): The in-queue of the process from which entities are taken. out_process (str): The name of the process receiving the reconstituted parent entity. env (Model): The simulation model this arrival generator is attached to. """ def __init__(self, *args, counter_name: str, out_process: str, env: 'Model' = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( *args, env=env, counter_name=counter_name, out_process=out_process, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, counter_name: str, out_process: str) -> None: """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" super().setup() self.counter_name = counter_name self.out_process = out_process self.dict: dict[str, list[Component]] = {}
[docs] def process(self) -> None: self.env: 'Model' while True: self.from_store(self.in_queue) item: Component = self.from_store_item() key = if key not in self.dict: self.dict[key] = [] self.dict[key].append(item) # Check counter to see if we have all items in the group data = ( self.env.specimen_data[key] if isinstance(item.parent, Specimen) else ) if len(self.dict[key]) == data[self.counter_name]: item.parent.enter_sorted( self.env.processes[self.out_process].in_queue, item.parent.prio) del self.dict[key]
[docs] @dataclass class RunnerDurations: """Durations for collecting/unloading the delivery batch and travelling to/from the destination. """ collect: float | sim.Distribution # time to collect delivery batch out: float | sim.Distribution # outbound trip duration unload: float | sim.Distribution # time to unload delivery batch retur: float | sim.Distribution # return trip duration
[docs] class DeliveryProcess(BaseProcess): """Takes entities/batches from the `in_queue` and places them in `env.processes[out_process].in_queue`, after some delay. A resource is required to move the entity/batch and requires time to travel between the locations associated with the two processes. Batches are unbatched upon arrival. Attributes: runner (salabim.Resource): The resource (e.g. staff) responsible for the delivery. durations (RunnerDurations): Durations for collecting/unloading the delivery batch and travelling to/from the destination. out_process (str): The name of the process receiving the delivery. env (Model): The simulation model this arrival generator is attached to. """ def __init__(self, *args, runner: sim.Resource, durations: RunnerDurations, out_process: str, env: 'Model', **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, env=env, runner=runner, durations=durations, out_process=out_process, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, runner: sim.Resource, durations: RunnerDurations, out_process: str ) -> None: """Set up the component, called immediately after initialisation.""" super().setup() self.runner = runner self.durations = durations self.out_process = out_process
[docs] def process(self) -> None: self.env: Model out_queue = self.env.processes[self.out_process].in_queue while True: self.from_store(self.in_queue) entity: Component = self.from_store_item() # Deliveries of single items are given the priority of that item (expected to be URGENT) delivery_prio = (entity.prio if not isinstance(entity, Batch) else Priority.ROUTINE) self.request((self.runner, 1, delivery_prio)) self.hold(self.durations.collect) self.hold(self.durations.out) self.hold(self.durations.unload) # Unload delivery items if isinstance(entity, Batch): item: Component for item in entity.items: item.enter_sorted( out_queue, priority=item.prio) else: entity.enter_sorted( out_queue, priority=entity.prio) # print(f'Delivered {} to {}') # return runner to origin station self.hold(self.durations.retur) self.release()