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Salabim: a discrete-event simulation library for Python

3 minute read


At one point in my research career, I was creating discrete-event simulation programs from scratch. I had even taught others how to do so as part of my teaching assistant duties at the City University of Hong Kong. Eventually, I discovered SimPy, which saved me the hassle of writing my own event loops, and I started teaching that as well – my GitHub contains a set of examples for this purpose. However, monitoring queues and resources in SimPy requires a bit of monkey-patching. Trying to find an existing solution, I turned to an alternate Python discrete-event simulation library called salabim.


Salabim: a discrete-event simulation library for Python

3 minute read


At one point in my research career, I was creating discrete-event simulation programs from scratch. I had even taught others how to do so as part of my teaching assistant duties at the City University of Hong Kong. Eventually, I discovered SimPy, which saved me the hassle of writing my own event loops, and I started teaching that as well – my GitHub contains a set of examples for this purpose. However, monitoring queues and resources in SimPy requires a bit of monkey-patching. Trying to find an existing solution, I turned to an alternate Python discrete-event simulation library called salabim.
