
This book is available in both HTML gitbook and PDF form.

The source code in the PDF version of this report is typeset in Cascadia Code, with code ligatures enabled. A similar font, Fira Code, is used in the HTML version.

0.1 R setup

# R 4.1 key features: new pipe operator, \(x) as shortcut for function(x)
# R 4.0 key features: stringsAsFactors = FALSE by default, raw character strings r"()"
if (packageVersion('base') < '4.1.0') {
  stop('This code requires R >= 4.1.0!')

if(!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")

# Ensure packages are installed but do not load them
p_install(Rcpp, force = F)
p_install(RcppArmadillo, force = F)
p_install(RcppProgress, force = F)
p_install(recommenderlab, force = F)
p_install(rrecsys, force = F)
p_install(mgcv, force = F)          # provides mgcv::gam and mgcv::predict.gam
p_install(raster, force = F)        # provides raster::clamp

# Load these packages
p_load(conflicted, magrittr, knitr, kableExtra, data.table, latex2exp, patchwork,
       tidyverse, caret, lubridate)

# For functions with identical names in different packages, ensure the
# right one is chosen
conflict_prefer('RMSE', 'caret')
conflict_prefer("first", "dplyr")