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0.1 R setup

# R 4.1 key features: new pipe operator, \(x) as shortcut for function(x)
# R 4.0 key features: stringsAsFactors = FALSE by default, raw character strings r"()"
if (packageVersion('base') < '4.1.0') {
  stop('This code requires R >= 4.1.0!')

# Package manager
if(!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")

# Keras - deep learning package.  You may need to restart R after installation
# before proceeding with the rest of the code in this project.
if(!require("keras")) {

p_load(data.table, dtplyr, tidyverse, R.utils, Rfast, knitr,
       keras, caret, pROC, knitr, conflicted)

# The `conflicted` package will throw an error if a function name is ambiguous, unless
# A preferred package is given below.
conflict_prefer('summarize', 'dplyr')
conflict_prefer('summarise', 'dplyr')
conflict_prefer('filter', 'dplyr')
conflict_prefer('between', 'dplyr')
conflict_prefer('auc', 'pROC')

# Somehow, this seems to prevent memory leaks